Friday, 30 December 2011

Found Friday

New Year Resolution
This is not one resolution but many wishes for 'more' of what's good.
Happy New Year everyone - may you have a whole lot more of what's good in your lives in 2012.

(This print is available via The Love Shop on etsy)

Monday, 26 December 2011

Olive (I Love) Christmas

Merry (belated) Christmas all! I hope it was a time of joy and laughter for you and your family.

Here is my little bit of Christmas cheer - an idea found on Pinterest - using Rosemary (and Thyme
as I didn't have enough) as the base add multicoloured olives and feta stuffed mini peppers - yum
and cheerful.

Monday, 19 December 2011

Happy Birthday Little Man

My little boy turned one on Saturday - oh my how that has flown

The party went beautifully and the weather stayed clear so we enjoyed a beautiful morning in the park with family and some friends.

The decorations and party favours all turned out as I hoped but I was especially happy with the cake and his name bunting topper that matched the invitations. My craziness of separating a kilo bag of smarties into colours so only the 'right' ones made it onto the cake paid off I think - I remain grateful of my craziness. See some pictures below.

While I am grateful the party went well I am mostly grateful for having this dandy little fella in my life, there are some days I feel I will explode with it and moments so fabulous I would have hardly thought they were possible 368 odd days ago. I am the luckiest by far.

Friday, 16 December 2011

Found Friday

I swear I didn't go looking for it but I found sprinkles in green, blue and orange for the fairy bread at tomorrow's party - I am not sure if people will believe me that it was just sitting there on the shelf but it was! Bring on the sugary goodness.

Friday, 9 December 2011

Found Friday

This is the first of what I am hoping will be a great little weekly post - my 'Found Friday' where I get to share with you the thing I have most enjoyed finding this week.

While we are on the track with all things party and festivity this weeks FF is the 'Australian Women's Weekly Children's Birthday Cake Book' (Collectors' Cookbook). 

This is the real deal - the old school one that my mum has. I have discussed finding and buying it for some time but hadn't gotten around to it - now with my first birthday responsibility as a parent looming I saw it in my local newsagency and I nabbed it.

Flicking through it was like a visit from ghosts of birthday cakes past - mine and my sisters. We would get to choose one and mum would make it, dad would cut the shape and assemble and we would help decorate. It made me smile to look back. I hope I can get a few great ideas from there for all the birthdays to come - even if some of them are a little retro - a typewriter and a handset telephone - you wouldn't!.

Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Party inspiration

In just a few short weeks my little man turns 1! I can hardly believe it - where has that year gone.
In thinking about a 'theme' for his party I realised it was, at this early stage, not something he
would understand or appreciate so have set about making it just a fun and colourful occasion.

Before he was born I bought a number of polka dot things - vintage and new - thinking that they
would be appropriate for both a little boy or a little girl (I was still awaiting that big surprise 12 months ago).
On later reflection polka dot clothes are a little more suited to girls (into storage they go - just in case).
There is no reason polka dots aren't right for a little boys party though. I think I have gone dotty in the process.

Here are some ideas I came across. How gorgeous is this cake? I have also found straws like this and am tempted.

I then searched the web for dots and dot invitations and came across these images (below) that
grabbed my attention colour wise and have now formed the basis for the colour palette of the party.

I also found a great little invitation (not pictured) with bunting that I liked and tried to emulate in
my own way. Here is the result - quite close to the original but I liked it so much

I am hoping there will be time in the next week to make some decorations such as pom poms
(but who knew dot tissue paper is so hard to find?) and bunting and will be making favour boxes
covered in dots. Fingers crossed I can find green, orange and blue smarties for the cake.

The actual results to follow!

Monday, 5 December 2011

Pining for the tropics

I have a love of all things pineapple when it comes to design.

I love fabric, lamps, ceramics - you name it. 
I think it is the form I love most of all.

Etsy lamp - sold
Studio Printworks NY
Birgit Israel London

Consequently I designed this print in class last year - I would love to turn it into fabric and
see it become furnishing - maybe some outdoor cushions?

I have ammassed quite a collection of wooden bowls like this as well.
I am thinking of painting some to make them pop! - stay tuned

The Essence of Find & Dandy

As I embark on this new blogging adventure I was looking for words and images that might help
explain what Find and Dandy is going to be all about.

I hope it is going to be, as it says above, about my adventures in finding all manner of things
and dandying them up (new word), but about also about sharing the excitement on discovering
something new.

A find: something found; a discovery, especially a valuable or gratifying one.

More than that though it is an opportunity for me to, rather publicly, find myself.
Finding oneself: to discover where one's real interests or talents lie, and follow them.
I have started a little pinboard via Pinterest as a taster of ideas, sayings and images that might get things started and really just for fun (and because I am addicted to pinning). You might like to check out some
of my other boards while you're there.

Find & Dandy via Pinterest