Sunday, 18 August 2013

Found Friday

Found Friday (on a Sunday of course)

It seems my little techno holiday had an impact on my technical abilities as I typed this post Friday and it disappeared. Oh well!

I have enjoyed my break - time to rebalance my virtual and physical lives - something I hope to continue. I have tried to invest the time in my little people one outside and one breaking out soon. 
Today's FF is all about finding space - the metaphorical space I found by having a self imposed social media break of 3 weeks and an actual physical one.

We recently started off our reno in a most unglamorous but necessary way by replacing the leaking asbestos roof on our garage. Hum drum as it was it gave us an opportunity to do what we fully intended on moving in 18 moths ago - setting up the garage as 1/2 storage 1/2 create space. It never happened then as the boxes and furniture, and my finds if I'm really honest, just kept piling in. Now we have reorganized, consolidated and shuffled to have a 2/3 storage 1/3 create space scenario - better than nothing!

There is now a corner of the new 'create space' which is the new home of Find and Dandy - still very much in unpack and organize mode itself but now my finds can have a temporary home, other than my desk or dining room table, as they await their permanent home or their Dandy do over. 

I can't wait to set it up properly and get creative. It will also double as an extra space for rainy day craft projects and generally getting little people out of the house - perfect new space much needed in out tiny - soon to become teeny - little home.

Here is the still to be dandy-ied "find parking station".