
Wednesday 18 April 2012

Falling for pattern

I love patterned fabric - lots of different sorts - but especially geometric, graphic and bold. I am not however a great fashionista. I like clothes and I love dressing up (not that I get much opportunity these days - there are over 10 fab evening clutches in a suitcase desperate for an outing after at least 2 years of hibernation). I don't religiously follow the latest fashion trends, essentially I generally can't wear them, can't afford them and often am not sure I like them.  BUT - but - I do love being inspired on the odd occasion by something that I can translate, interpret and make my own - in terms of what to wear but even, and possibly more often, to translate into home decor.

So so so so - as you know I am mad about Pinterest. I love it because I don't have to follow fashion I just have to follow someone else who follows it. A few such people I follow started 'pinning' images from some of the Fall 2012 Ready to Wear shows of designers. These stopped me in my tracks and made me gasp with joy and delight at the pattern richness, colour and layering. I hope you enjoy them as much as I have and can be inspired to create your own 'collection' on your self or in your home.

Miu Miu
(full show here)

(full show here)

(full show here)
(rich pattern layered with chunky knits and crazy lady big hats - my official fashionista review. 
Apparently the hats are actually Dr Seuss inspired)

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