
Wednesday 16 May 2012

Beauty, Beach, Bollywood, 'Punk'

I have an upcoming assignment to take a photo of a room and use it as inspiration to create the whole room adding or subtracting along the way - all for a specific client. This includes rendered floor plans and elevations but I am thinking of taking it a step further and doing it for my computer design class as well, if time allows and skill levels permit, so it becomes a fully visualised room.

The client was an easy choice for me. A few years ago a friend moved to a new house and briefly mentioned me helping her design her bedroom - it unfortunately didn't eventuate because for one reason or another she had to move out too soon but I had already started to think of furniture, colours and a vibe for her. Here is my chance to make it happen - even if only virtually.

Leading my design concept are aspects of her style and personality I have observed. I like to call it

Beauty, Beach, Bollywood, Punk

Beauty relates to her work as a beauty therapist but more so being a person who celebrates beauty; Beach is literal for where she lives but more than that it reflects her deep connection with the ocean and her down to earth nature - often not found alongside the first point; Bollywood - is not literal either but represents her love of travel and finally 'Punk' which is certainly not literal but the best word I could find. It is more a reference to a more wild self expression in the fashion and art aspects of Punk because despite all of the above she has an edge.

Beyond a design concept it is important to think about the aim of the room. A bedroom isn't the same thing for everyone - some people like it clean and uncluttered for zen like rest but others need to create a personal haven filled with their things. For this 'client' who shares a house with flatmates I see the bedroom fulfilling the role of restful self expression. A haven but also a place to fully express herself. For this reason I want to make sure the brighter and bolder aspects of the Bollywood and Punk don't overpower. 

Here are some of the inspirational images I have found so far - none of them are exactly it but elements of each are getting there.

The image below from Melbourne store Fenton & Fenton is a great starting point. The feminine curves of this bed are beautiful and a recurring theme. What I like best though is seeing it upholstered in natural warm linen - Beauty meets Beach. Ethnic aspects to the room, like the rug, lampshade and basket fulfil the Bollywood brief. Overall a great room - I just feel it tips too far in one direction and needs a little editing and edging.

These black walls are very grown up and sophisticated. A great mix of modern pieces with old including the contrast of materials. This has just the right amount of Beauty, 'Punk' and Bollywood - just missing some Beach and should be more restful as a daytime space. 
Would be a great hotel room but not a personal haven.

A 'Punk' mirror 

Neon and texture - cosy and fun

Someone lives here - it's not a showroom. Beauty and Beach and a little Bollywood - no 'Punk'. 
Ah well

Here is my developing Pinterest board of ideas 'For Others' and you can also see more related ideas from my earlier post Neon, Neutral and Natural celebrating this favourite current trend of mine - Beach, Beauty and 'Punk' for sure.

I am enjoying this and can't wait to create the right mix and fully visualise the room. I just hope it is 
worthy of her and of showing you the results.

I would love to know what four words you would use to start designing a space for yourself.

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